Once upon a time, a young mother named Holly Heider Chapple founded a small wedding and event design business. The business was created as a way for Holly to be home with her children; she was a true example of a mompreneur. 28 years later, the business is thriving and has multiple divisions. Our lead designer, Holly Heider Chapple, has an endless passion and enthusiasm for all things flowers. She has become a visionary in the industry, a trendsetter, a mentor, an influencer, a developer, and an advocate for those with careers in floristry and farming. Dubbed the “Flower Mama” by her industry peers, she not only executes the most beautiful weddings and events but also operates Hope Flower Farm, while leading a collective of designers from all over the world via Chapel Designers.

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Featured Articles


Hope, Faith, & Believe: New Holly Chapple Exclusive Proposal Templates LIVE on Details!




Ordering Early: A Discussion with Holly Chapple




Florist Contracts: Why You Can't Afford to Get These Wrong




Joy, Honor, & Rise: New Holly Chapple Exclusive Proposal Templates LIVE  on Details!
